Bihar News

Dedicated for all the News from Bihar. To know the latest happening and updates from the Bihar. If you belong to Bihar or have any sort of relation or want to get the news of Bihar. Do read this article to get updates on Bihar News. Find the latest news from Bihar here -

16 September 2022: Bihar Public Service Commission(BPSC) has launched the Exam Calendar 2022-23 and they have published all the details in the exam calendar. Details like Advertisement number, Name of the Posts, Number of Vacancies, Prelims Exam Date, Mains Exam Date, Interview Date and Final Result Date have also been schedule for all the upcoming recruitment examinations by BPSC in Bihar. To know more read BPSC Exam Calendar 2022-23  

15 September 2022: CM Nitish Kumar inaugurated Mukhyamantri Gramin Solar Street Light Scheme, 10 Solar street lights will be established in all wards of every villages of 8061 Panchayat across Bihar.

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Online Registration of Programmers in BELTRON for BE/BTech/MCA

Bihar Government and BELTRON - Based in Patna, Bihar, Bihar State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (BELTRON) is an Indian state-o...