Darbhanga - List of Sub-Division, Blocks and Panchayat

In this article, you can access very important statistics of Darbhanga District as well as information about City Darbhanga. Just like other 37 districts of Bihar, Official Technological and IT part is managed and maintained by NIC Darbhanga. Official Website of Darbhanga is www.darbhanga.nic.in. List of Sub-Divisions, Blocks, Panchayat and Villages have been attached on this page. Darbhanga District consists of Three Sub-Divisions and Eighteen Blocks. District is having total 324 panchayat and 1314 villages. If you are looking for the List of Blocks of Darbhanga or List of Panchayat of Darbhanga or List of Sub-Divisions of Darbhanga you can find them all on this portal. 

Apart from the data which has been provided here, You can get more information and statistics about Darbhanga. Feel free to contact us for any information and data which are not confidential. LiveDarbhanga team is dedicated to share more and more news, info and solutions.

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